The exclusive collection consisting of unique pieces and small series of extraordinary "design objects" is located at the interface between design and art. The objects have a hidden ingenious construction which gives the works a certain magic. All works are the expression of a consistent concept, which leads to a harmonious form and a lasting fascination.
"The point of view with which one looks at a product leads to different demands, so the point of view determines the objective of a product."
Andreas Berlin studied at the Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences, where Dieter Rams also studied at the time. His studies were influenced by the independent teaching of the Bauhaus. "I am very happy about this tradition and influence, but when I realized that the sentence "form follows function" can also be reversed, an additional valuable potential in the creative process developed for me." "Design is the search for a new way of looking at a product and the development of a feeling and logic for the formal and technical implementation. The decisive factor is to what extent the idea can exert a lasting fascination". After his studies Andreas worked as a freelance designer for high-quality furniture brands such as Dieter Knoll or Leolux. Some of his works have been awarded design prizes. In the meantime, Andreas also returned to the University of Applied Sciences to teach the "Semester Project Furniture Design". During this time Andreas met the artist Sabine Dehnel, to whom he is now married. They now live in Berlin and share the studio space. The proximity to art has also influenced Andreas in his work as a designer.