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Biarritz | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Emily Tingey. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
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Biarritz | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Emily Tingey. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Biarritz | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Emily Tingey. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Biarritz | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Emily Tingey. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Biarritz | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Emily Tingey. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Biarritz | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Emily Tingey. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Biarritz | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Emily Tingey. Item composed of canvas & synthetic

Created and Sold by Emily Tingey

Emily Tingey

Biarritz - Paintings

Price $6,500

Creation: 5-8 weeks
Shipping: 3-8 days
Price $40 Shipping in the US, ask the creator about international shipping.
Estimated Arrival: March 9, 2025


Woman Owned

Made In USA

Of course, I didn’t travel to Biarritz in the south of France while making this collection. Instead, I got to imagine I was there when I found a beautiful photograph by Sofie Kulin. I knew this was an image and feeling I wanted to try to capture with more realism than is usually found in my work. Layered acrylics and pastels and washes of soft, warm whites fill this canvas with the smell of an ocean breeze from the rocky cliffside.

I hope this painting will fill your walls with the feeling of adventure, the escape that comes when you get to be your freest self on a far away vacation that you hope will never end. This paintings is rich with texture and passion with a stillness that will make it feel grounded in your home.

Biarritz is an original 30” x 40” acrylic and oil pastel painting on canvas.

Item Biarritz
Created by Emily Tingey
As seen in Creator's Studio, Ann Arbor, MI
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Emily Tingey
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2019
A painter of modern impressionism and abstract landscapes

Emily Tingey is a painter of modern impressionism and abstract landscapes in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her at home studio, a small room inside her early 1900's home with creaky wood floors and a cardinal who nests in the tree outside her windows is her calm, her sanctuary to recall views and emotions from her travels around the world and walks around her neighborhood. Her hope is that you feel the warmth, calm, peace, acceptance, and joy she tries to instill in each of her paintings. You can see more of her work at