Created and Sold by Natart
Bridal flowers portraits painting canvas original art red
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Estimated Arrival: January 21, 2025
Woman Owned
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Bridal flowers portraits painting canvas original art red Custom wedding bouquet painting Anniversary gift for her Romantic memory Flowers
"Do you need custom wedding bouquet painting? My bridal bouquet oil painting on canvas is great Anniversary gifts for her! Send me one of their favorite flower photos, and I'll paint your flowers portrait!
This is a custom order listing, so please click ""Request a Custom Order"" to get your custom painting started! If you've fallen in love with one of the listing paintings, you can purchase it. Send me a message so I can create a special listing for you!
1: You reach out to me with a photo you'd like us to paint. Feel free to share your goals for the painting (size, style, budget)!
2: I work with you to determine the ideal painting size and style to meet your goals. Note that pricing varies based on subject, size, complexity, and style of art.
3: I create a custom listing. You buy the listing. I start painting.
4: Once the painting is complete, I send you a photograph of the painting for your review.
5: I let the painting dry in our studio before I send it to you.
oil paintings. | painted on 100% cotton canvas using high quality Maimery oil paints.
Expect 2-4 weeks to paint, dry, and ship your painting to you.
We protect your painting from even the worst FedEx drivers! Moisture barriers, corner guards, layers of protective board, and bubble wrap galore.
Bridal flowers portraits painting canvas original art Custom wedding bouquet painting Anniversary gift for her Romantic memory Flowers"
"Do you need custom wedding bouquet painting? My bridal bouquet oil painting on canvas is great Anniversary gifts for her! Send me one of their favorite flower photos, and I'll paint your flowers portrait!
This is a custom order listing, so please click ""Request a Custom Order"" to get your custom painting started! If you've fallen in love with one of the listing paintings, you can purchase it. Send me a message so I can create a special listing for you!
1: You reach out to me with a photo you'd like us to paint. Feel free to share your goals for the painting (size, style, budget)!
2: I work with you to determine the ideal painting size and style to meet your goals. Note that pricing varies based on subject, size, complexity, and style of art.
3: I create a custom listing. You buy the listing. I start painting.
4: Once the painting is complete, I send you a photograph of the painting for your review.
5: I let the painting dry in our studio before I send it to you.
oil paintings. | painted on 100% cotton canvas using high quality Maimery oil paints.
Expect 2-4 weeks to paint, dry, and ship your painting to you.
We protect your painting from even the worst FedEx drivers! Moisture barriers, corner guards, layers of protective board, and bubble wrap galore.
Bridal flowers portraits painting canvas original art Custom wedding bouquet painting Anniversary gift for her Romantic memory Flowers"
Item Bridal flowers portraits painting canvas original art red
Created by Natart
As seen in Creator's Studio, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
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