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Looking Glass | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by J Austin Jennings. Item made of canvas with synthetic
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Looking Glass | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by J Austin Jennings. Item made of canvas with synthetic
Looking Glass | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by J Austin Jennings. Item made of canvas with synthetic
Looking Glass | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by J Austin Jennings. Item made of canvas with synthetic

Created and Sold by J Austin Jennings

J Austin Jennings

Looking Glass - Paintings

Featured In Charlotte, NC

$ On Inquiry

When water lies perfectly still, without the slightest breeze to stir it, it becomes the looking glass to the sky. Here the artist has used signature techniques that include fluid-infused, undiluted acrylic mediums across a lightly textured canvas, applied with little control in order to create the most spontaneous composition possible. The painting brings a bit of serene nature to an office waiting room.

Item Looking Glass
As seen in Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
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J Austin Jennings
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2020
Large-scale dreamy atmospheric paintings sooth the soul & grace every interior setting

Ohio born & educated, J Austin Jennings spent the first part of her career in the arts as an educator and exhibitor while developing her signature style. Now living in Eastern Tennessee, Jennings' is a career painter, creating work that is sought after by interior designers and collectors alike across the United States. Textural and watery layers combine effectively to create 'dreams on canvas.'