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Macarena II | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Hope Bainbridge Art. Item composed of paper and synthetic
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Macarena II | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Hope Bainbridge Art. Item composed of paper and synthetic
Macarena II | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Hope Bainbridge Art. Item composed of paper and synthetic
Macarena II | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Hope Bainbridge Art. Item composed of paper and synthetic

Created and Sold by Hope Bainbridge Art

Hope Bainbridge Art

Macarena II - Paintings

Price $75

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9H x 12W in
22.86H x 30.48W cm


Acrylic & watercolor on mixed media paper

Signed & titled on the back

Please note colors may vary slightly from screen to screen

Item Macarena II
As seen in Creator's Studio, Sonora, CA
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Hope Bainbridge Art
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2020
Hopeful abstracts

Hope Bainbridge is an artist and textile designer based in northern California. She received her degree in textile design from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles, California. Having grown up in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, Hope is continually inspired by the natural beauty around her. She works with a variety of mediums including oils, acrylics, water colors and digital design. Enamored by the whimsical and lovely, Hope loves to experiment with new artistic styles and aspires to elevate whatever she creates.