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Sunrise Bloom | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tim Kim Design. Item made of canvas works with contemporary style
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Sunrise Bloom | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tim Kim Design. Item made of canvas works with contemporary style
Sunrise Bloom | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tim Kim Design. Item made of canvas works with contemporary style
Sunrise Bloom | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tim Kim Design. Item made of canvas works with contemporary style

Created and Sold by Tim Kim Design

Tim Kim Design

Sunrise Bloom - Paintings

Price $495 - Sale 36% off

Price $775 Original Retail

In Stock Now

Shipping: USPS 7-10 days
Price $40 Shipping in the US, ask the creator about international shipping.
Estimated Arrival: January 19, 2025


Reclaimed Materials

Recycled Materials

Upcycled Product

20H x 16W x 0.6D in
50.8H x 40.64W x 1.52D cm
1.36 kg
3 lb

🎨 Art Category: Modern Abstract Painting | Floral Art | Flower Art | Flower Abstract Art | Nature Art | Garden Art | Small Abstract | Contemporary Art | Flower Painting

🎨Title of Artwork: Sunrise Bloom

🎨Artwork Dimensions
16in Height x 20in Width x 0.6in Depth

Acrylic on Canvas

🎨Story behind this Sculpture Design:
In this piece the whole idea was to create an inspiring figure, something that looked like it was going to grow and get stronger no matter what. I thought of a flower just bursting with growth that may not be in the best setting to grow and evolve but it would prevail anyway. If you notice in the background, it looks cool and a little dark. It doesn't look like the best setting to grow but the flower grows anyway ignoring the barriers around him.

🎨Art Placement
A well-lit area of your house or office, on a narrow to medium size wall.

🚨You want to place this piece in a well-lit area. If you have special focal lighting great, but you don’t even need that, just a well-lit area.

🎨My goal is to make sure your artwork looks amazing in your house or office so I’m always available for any questions and concerns and make suggestions.

🚨 WATCH VIDEO If available please watch the video of each piece you're considering buying. Photos don’t always show everything, and I want to make sure you see the artwork from different angles, get an idea of scale, see details and minor imperfections that may not show on a photo.

✒️ Note: A lot of my art is signed on the back in paint or marker. I normally just don’t like putting my signature on the front because a lot of time I just think it interferes with painting or design.

Item Sunrise Bloom
Created by Tim Kim Design
As seen in Creator's Studio, Saint Petersburg, FL
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Tim Kim Design
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2024
Tim Kim, lives in Saint Petersburg Florida and is a product brand strategist, package designer, and visual commercial artist. He has worked with many companies in developing their consumer product brands which reside on the shelves of some of the largest consumer retail stores including Costco, Home Depot, Walmart and Wholefoods. For 2019 he has just started creating fine art on the side. After only 2 months of creating fine art and sculptures, he is already being featured in upscale art galleries in Florida. His art reflects his background in visual design, his understanding of structure, patterns, color, and balance. He has a passion for design and is always exploring new ways to make intriguing art and design.