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Tropical Flavor | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Robin Jorgensen. Item composed of canvas
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Created and Sold by Robin Jorgensen

Robin Jorgensen

Tropical Flavor - Paintings

Price $149

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Estimated Arrival: TBD

12 x 12

Item Tropical Flavor
Created by Robin Jorgensen
As seen in Creator's Studio, Dallas, TX
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Robin Jorgensen
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2023
Exploring the relationship between technology and conventional art

My work explores the relationship between technology and conventional art. I pull the viewers into my collage work by taking them on a journey through balanced compositions and color combinations through photography, digital techniques and traditional painting. My current series is inspired by nature and the classic urban street scenes bringing together the energy and the variety of the world around us. For me, each new piece of artwork that is created, is a magnificent treasure lying wait to be discovered at the hands of the artist. An uncharted road trip with u-turns and back roads along the way ending in a beautiful destination, the finished piece. My artwork is held in private collections worldwide.