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When Morning Arrives | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Pamela K Beer Contemporary Fine Art. Item made of birch wood with synthetic
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When Morning Arrives | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Pamela K Beer Contemporary Fine Art. Item made of birch wood with synthetic
When Morning Arrives | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Pamela K Beer Contemporary Fine Art. Item made of birch wood with synthetic

When Morning Arrives - Paintings

Price from $2,700 to $6,000

Creation: 6-8 weeks

40X30X2 Custom oil and cold wax create on hand made birchwood panel created specifically for a client desiring some warm colors and loving the textural components of the artwork. This is an abstract scenery painting with gay, gold, aqua, reds, oranges, burgundy, and a touch of black and white.

Artwork may be custom made to your size specifications, sides may be painted or left natural. Prices vary depending upon size.

Item When Morning Arrives
As seen in Private Residence, Port Orchard, WA
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Pamela K Beer Contemporary Fine Art
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2021
Artwork is original and painted in oil and cold wax on wood panel.

Hello, I am a contemporary mixed-media artist and I have this thing for contrast, spaciousness, and lots of layers with just enough textural interest to evoke a sense of abstract abandon. Then it all comes together for a pleasing design of contrast with a little drama. Because, well, life is dramatic. These hallmarks make people smile and bring them a sense of joy because it's hope that I'm pedaling, its just that I use colorful art to do it. I want you to feel good when you look at my work and to find something new each time you regard it. My work begins with Asemic writing, forms, marks, colors, and employs both transparencies and opacities that ebb and flow onto the canvas allowing the viewer to connect with the abstraction of the work yet find something familiar. Current abstract work is Oil and Cold Wax Medium on Birchwood panels in custom made sizes. The paint is applied with a squeegee and brayer rather than bruises for a looser look and feel.